GIG PowHer: God Inspired Girl Power to Change Seasons

That tree knows the season
Fall… Autumn… PreWinter… Shedding Season.
In my opinion the most beautiful and
My favorite time of year. 
Sometimes the hardest season to accept as a person.
Not sure why…
Change isn’t bad
Change is the only thing in life that doesn’t change
Where I used to be is not where I am today
Thank God.
Where I am today and who I am today
is not who I’ll be two or three weeks from now
One of two things can happen
I can fight change… and not appreciate the beauty
Or embrace the beauty of change.
Like when the leaves on trees change
The colors are a beautiful sight to behold
If I take the time to appreciate the leaves.
Or I can allow the death of things to frighten me,
Ignore the signs that things are changing,
Miss the opportunity to prepare for God to let me rest
Miss the opportunity to restore, recharge in preparation for new growth
As an intercessor and disciple of Christ
My life has seen mountaintop highs
and bottom concave of the valley lows 
Yet in all of them my gift of intercession has been used
I’ve found that my attempts at holiness were less about 
following a list of rules
and more about being transparent with God.
Asking forgiveness for my sins
Believing that Christ’s righteousness is what makes me holy.
As I complete my Bachelors degree
Step out on faith to provide resources as a writer
and share my passion for sustainable healthy living
I recognize the God inspired girl power to change seasons.
No longer afraid to be ambitious to protect 
someone else’s insecurities. 
That season has ENDED!
No longer morbidly obese
Thank GOD that season ended!
No longer rejecting being an introvert
That season has ended… I’m happy to be me!
Despite popular belief and my vocation (Creative/Marketer)
My personal life doesn’t have to be lived and 
will not be plastered everywhere online…
That season has definitely ENDED!
I say YAY to change. 
I’m nowhere near done…
Change is just starting into this new season for me.
But I’m not fighting it.
I’m embracing this new season. 
Appreciating every new leaf color
Welcoming fall… autumn…shedding season…
Thankful to God for power to change seasons.