Laura Story is one of the lovely ladies I “met” at the Women of Faith event I blogged and tweeted from this month. I added her song blessings for this book.
Jill Scott is known for her soulful stories and poems set to beautiful music. This new song Hear My Call was perfect for the raw emotion shared by at least one of the characters in Embracing Myself Now.
India Arie ushered in what some have donned the urban inspirational music genre. I reached back to one of her original cuts and added Private Party to this list because it was so appropo. I think you’ll agree.
Mary J Blige is easily my favorite Hip Hop Soul. I had to add Just Fine to this list because being alright with where you are at this moment in life is pivotal to embracing myself, NOW!
I think these songs are able to apply to the spirit of strength of each woman finds in their own unique way throughout the story of Embracing Myself Now. I hope you’ll enjoy it and consider recommending it to a friend along with the novella that preceded it as well as my other stories. Click the cover below to check them out. Keep reading and listening.