Goal PowHer Fiction Series

Kendalynn, Carmandi, Patronda, and Elaine are the fictional embodiment of my childhood hopes for progress for women in corporate America. Each character reminds me of the women who showed and told me I can reach my goals professionally. They walked their talk. You’ll find in each character in the Goal PowHer series elements of the women God sent to mother me after becoming a part of the foster care system. In a few books (when I’ve received permission) you’ll even see them make a “guest appearance” as themselves.
Real Firstwives of Metropolis
Kendalynn Thompson, Carmandi Prescott, Patronda Lyles and Elaine Bright have signed on for the ride and experience of their lives. A champion for children, top model turned first lady, former teen pop star, and creative coder are inviting you into their world’s as pastor’s wives. Connected by a common passion for empowering women and loving God watch these ladies engage in their everyday duties and activities with each other while CheersTV captures each and every moment.

Making Moves in Metropolis
Carmandi Prescott is ready to rejoin the fashion world on her terms. Elaine Bright’s love for technology and supporting women is ready for the spotlight. Kendalynn Thompson is slaying opponents in the courtroom and her prayer closet. Patronda Lyles is engineering her best life as she faces her toughest challenge in years.