It's in My Blood in honor of National Poetry Month

Pumping, coursing, flowing through my veins. 
Molten lava soon ashes remain. 
Listless restless causing hidden pain.
Destiny darkened driving me insane. 
Freely given redemption in His name. 
Red and priceless to free me from my shame. 
Quick so easy love and forgiveness came. 
Self worth and value guilt no longer maim. 
If it was another’s mistake no more need to place blame. 
Faceless killer no court shall arraign.
Now white as snow no longer sin stained. 
HIV/AIDS diagnosis my health chart may still proclaim
But it’s in my blood 
I’m bought with love
I don’t have to live the same. 
This poem is written from the perspective of Rosalyn from the novel It’s in My Blood.
Book 2 in the Wholeness series available in paperback and all major eBookstores. 

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