Read through my blog and you’ll see I’ve always loved God and I always wanted to be a writer.
In high school I planned to become a forensic psychologist to be able to write about my most fascinating cases and help rid the world of evil people.
Fast forward twenty years and I learned if all of the jobs I wanted to do encompassed writing… that is what I should be doing.
I’ve read everything under the sun with exception of horror and the vampire craze.
My favorite genres are romance with and without sex scenes as long as its well written, women’s fiction, chick lit, thrillers, professional development and a well written authentic non gossipy memoir or biography… and of course poetry. Yes… I get down with Nikki, Maya, Alicia and Tupac to name those known by the mainstream reader and many unrecognized names.
Writing Christian fiction for the last ten years has not been fun. To be honest these have been the hardest things I’ve had to write. The stories and characters were very personal and I struggled with if I could be honest in my writing because of “church folk”.
As I finished plotting the last books in the Wholeness series I waited to see what Christian fiction I’d write next……
Bottom line is I never wanted to be constrained to one genre. I was kinda concerned though… I didn’t want to let down readers by changing and when I polled readers… you said you wanted more real stories. You’re tired of canned Christian fiction formula. Then my divorce happened and I had to take time to adjust and all writing stopped…
As I’ve finished the series I’ve enjoyed the first part…. FINISHING.
Nothing against the genre… I don’t really read it exclusively anymore… haven’t for years ….
Writing the Natural Sistahs series and other books under my Street Lit pen name I had more fun than I could recall having outside of the Yellow Ribbon Collection writing than I’d had in years.
So this is where the buck stops.
LOVING MY RESULTS will be the last book to be considered “Christian fiction” from me.
I’ll continue to give updates as they come in the app about some of the reader’s favorite characters but there won’t be anymore of this genre of books.
I’ll continue to write nonfiction Christian books but if I’m going to write fiction from now on it’s going to be enjoyable… will there be Christian characters in my future novels?
Of course.
I’ll be including all people in my books going forward.
Characters will be black, white, Latino, people of Asian descent and
Middle Eastern ancestry in my books.
They will reflect the world I live in while
being entertaining and despite not being “christian fiction”
they’ll all be full of God Inspired Girl Power.
There is no rule anywhere that says because my style of writing is GOD INSPIRED GIRL POWER books that I can’t write romance, chick lit, thrillers, urban fantasy, urban fiction, dystopian fiction, or anything else I want to write from any other genre.
The truth of the matter is every book I write will be GOD INSPIRED GIRL POWER because I draw my inspiration from GOD and I’m all about girl power. This is more than my “tagline” it’s part of who I am. Moment I embraced this I felt free to move forward and write more books…
to write what I know.
Some reviews people say my characters are too physically intimate and
in Christian fiction they consider what I write edgy…
for others I’m too conservative…
truth is all I can do and will do going forward is be me.
Writing the Wholeness series was a chapter in my life. That chapter has ended.
Now I’m moving on to the next and writing what is in my heart.
Good, bad, ugly and in between. I could pretend to like doing this and keep writing because the “Christian fiction” genre is where I started. I won’t.
Then I’d be in danger of losing something very important,
the one thing I need to be able to continue to write GOD INSPIRED GIRL POWER…
I’d be at risk of losing me.
Almost happened one time too many for me to be able to ignore the signs.
So instead I’ll be honest with you and hope you’ll give the new books and series a chance.
The heart of who I am will be on every page and I’m looking forward to sharing it….
Hopefully you’ll agree when the first books come out…
my hope and prayer is they’ll be the most inspiring,
fun group of women characters written by me, you and I have ever met.
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